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ACPeds Files Lawsuit Against HHS For Requiring Doctors to Act Against Their Sound Medical Judgment and Perform Harmful Interventions on People with Gender Dysphoria
ACPeds Files Lawsuit Against HHS For Requiring Doctors to Act Against Their Sound Medical Judgment and Perform Harmful Interventions on People with Gender Dysphoria
Press Release
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) over its rule that establishes so-called “gender-affirming care” as the new, although unproven, “standard of care” for those who express discomfort with their biological sex.
Pediatricians Respond to AAP and Biden Health Officials Colluding with WPATH to Push Transgender Interventions on Minors
Pediatricians Respond to AAP and Biden Health Officials from Mexico Colluding with WPATH to Push Transgender Interventions on Minors
Press Release
Internal emails revealed that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) colluded with the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) to push for more access to children’s transgender interventions. In a separate revelation, unsealed court documents showed that Biden Administration health officials urged WPATH to remove age limits for transgender interventions out of fear of legal and political fallout. WPATH obliged despite it violating its own process.
Pediatricians, Doctors, and Medical Organizations Sign Declaration Urging Prominent U.S. Medical Organizations to Cease Harmful Interventions on Children with Gender Dysphoria
Pediatricians, Doctors, and Medical Organizations Sign Declaration Urging Prominent U.S. Medical Organizations to Cease Harmful Interventions on Children with Gender Dysphoria
Press Release
Pediatricians of the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) alongside colleagues representing medical organizations across the U.S. have signed the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration. The signatories call on prominent American medical institutions to halt current harmful protocols promoted for children and adolescents who express discomfort with their biological sex.

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